Combatives College

Combatives expert Bill Wolfe takes you into a world of REAL fighting skills that will save your life. Step by Step course

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Expert Instructor

Bill Wolfe is veteran combatives instructor with decades of combined military and police service

Beyond the Mats

Wolfe goes beyond the theoretical aspects of martial arts or sports to teach you the real world of street fighting  tactics - mentally, physically and tactically

Video & Reference

All courses are a step by step categorized, Defendo system based videos. Plus you can choose where you start


Sign up for Wolfes Combatives College Full Course or choose a course Level to start.

Hard Target

Level I

Entry Level: Basics. Basics. Basics. The foundation


Combat Tech

Level II

Intermediate / Advanced:  Stand Up, Ground, Rear



Level III

Edged Weapons, Impact Weapons, Fire Arm Disarms


Unmatched Combatives

ring deadly' is not..Street Lethal! a foundation that's real

Join the Full Combatives College Course Now

"one of the world’s top ten reality-based instructors"


Combatives College is all about learning skill - skills that stay with you for a life time!  

Here’s the background you need to know. Combatives College was born from a simple idea… Mr. Wolfe can’t be everywhere to teach…so how do we service a large body of like-minded people wanting to learn Defendo from him.  Students who are spread out around the world.  Keen people just like you who cannot always get to Live Training events and learn directly from Mr. Wolfe.  Or you just can’t find a school with training that makes sense from street-wise point!

So what’s the next best thing …You’re looking at it - Combatives College -

You’re just hearing about it?    GOOD better late than never… We’ve being offering Combatives College for …10 plus years and boy has it grown!  Here’s 9 things we think you’ll find interesting;

1. Not only are new students joining daily but experienced martial arts students and instructors as well.  Of course there are a lot of never trained before students signed up for Combatives College who can now practice at home on their own time.  


2. Then there are also students who’ve participated in Mr. Wolfe’s live training events and/or course and forgot a technique or two, a tactic or just miss hearing it from the boss himself.  So now through Combatives College they reference back to the technique they’ve forgotten or not sure off and work through it correcting the mistakes.  It’s that simple! 


3. It’s also become a huge resource for self defence instructors and especially for keeping our own Defendo instructors on track and accountable teaching authentic Modern Defendo.  


4. It’s become an invaluable resource where before you could only get this kind of detail while you where on the mats personally being taught by Mr. Wolfe.   


5. We are the only System that actually provides this in-depth reality-based training resource and we make it available to everyone around the world seeking reality-based self defence skill and knowledge that they cannot find anywhere else!


6. Our concept is simple, find your start point in the curriculum; watch the short lesson on the topic or technique then practice it.  Not sure go back, review and do it again and again.  


7. As a result small cadres of people around the world get to train and learn authentic Modern Defendo right from the founder Mr. Wolfe.  They generally start with little to no equipment and as they grow in their training they start acquiring training aids and friends to train with.


8. in those 10 years Combatives College has become a way of life, improving ones physical and mental health, because you’re learning real effective skills and that knowledge represents for many conquering fear you gain physical, mental and tactical skills that stay with you for life!


9. You’re worried you’ll get bored, hardly there are hundreds of these short exciting fun lessons on every aspect of Modern Defendo you can think off.  Not only are these lessons teaching you something you’ll find them pretty entertaining and that’s important!


Join the Full Course - Hard Target - Combat Technician - Special Tactics And Response

Frequently Asked Questions

When you sign up to Combatives College and you choose your Course / Level you will have access to you course(s) in your library. 

Upon registration you will be sent an email link with all your login details and you can start watching and learning straight away.

There are over 300 lessons in the Full Combatives College Course Curriculum - Hard Target, Combat Tech & STAR

Train in the footsteps of heroes

The exciting aspect of Combatives College when you join.  You are helping us keep this legendary WWII based combatives system alive, active and growing so it never ends up forgotten or on the museum shelf.  You’re actually ‘training in the footsteps of heroes.’!

Join Legendary Now

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Two Step

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